Musical Update
The VP Studio wants cast & crew members to write & submit blogs about the show Production team meetings are held every Wednesday following rehearsal. A discussion of future actor character work was held. Easter Show The VP Pro & Publicity Manager are working on the show’s poster design. Spring Show Update The show will be held on April 17th in Charles Commons Salons A & B. Alumni Weekend Student Market The Barnstormers will be tabling Sat. 4/18/14 from 10 am to 2 pm in Levering Courtyard We are moving the Sunday matinee, which would fall on Easter, to the day There will now be two shows on Saturday, April 4th.
SAC Fair Recap
Thank you to Eve, who volunteered for the table despite the short notice. Musical Update Casting took place the past weekend. A recap of the director decisions, as well as the reasoning behind them, was given. We will be blogging the show. The board looked at the proposed poster design, and brought up areas for improvement. Spring Show Update The show will be a potluck, open mic event. The GA will be able to sign up for 15 minute (or fewer) time slots, in which they can act or perform for the audience present. Ideas for acts include: A monologue or scene Juggling Magic Stand-up or Sketch comedy Spoken word Singing, etc. A timeline for the new show will need to be created in the near future. Spring Show Update
Ideas for the upcoming studio show were discussed. I-Show Update The wrap-up meeting was discussed. The VP Studio gave an overview of the show, listing both positives and negatives of the production’s workings. The most important takeaway: communication between the different aspects of the production must be improved. Spring Musical Update The schedule of director interviews was distributed to the board. The lists of questions to be asked each director & musical director candidate was distributed. |
August 2017