Spring Show Update
An email with sign-ups for food & performances was sent out to the GA. The heads of the campus arts groups will be contacted about promoting the event. Musical Update The “front of house” for the run of Company was scheduled. The campus at large was postered this past week, with the exception of the residence halls. Off-campus locations still need to be postered. Company is now in tech week, and is right on schedule. Freshman Awards The candidates for the annual freshman tech and acting awards were discussed. Spring Formal This will take place during reading period, depending on the preferences of the next executive board. Scheduling The board dinner will be 4/18. Elections for next year’s Executive board will be 4/19, 2:30-5:00pm, location TBD.
General Assembly Meeting
The next GA meeting will tentatively be taking place sometime during the week of 4/5. The official date & time will be set at the next board meeting. Elections A tentative date has been set, and an informational email will be sent to the GA this week. Spring Event Timeline The timeline for the spring “open mic” show was reviewed. Musical Update The running of front of house for Company was discussed, along with the merchandise to be sold at the same time. Our upcoming News-Letter article was discussed. April Tabling Board members were scheduled to run our table at the 2nd week of the SOHOP Student Activities Expo, which is taking place Wednesday, 4/15, from 2:30-4:00pm. Board Dinner A tentative date was set for the end-of-the-year board murder-mystery dinner. Musical Update
All of Act 1 & parts of Act 2 have been blocked Actors are doing character work this week The VP Pro gave an update on the terms of letting the outside business class table at one of our shows. Spring Show Update We have a space and AV capabilities for the event. VP Studio will send out a “feeler” email this week. April Tabling We will have tables at both the SOHOP Student Activies Expo (April 8th & 15th) and the Alumni Weekend Student Market (April 18th). Musical Update
We are still in search of musicians for the orchestra. The VP Pro & Publicity Manager will sit down to map out the publicity for the production. The VP Pro has been approached for a possible tabling at Company Technical Director Abby will be sitting down with the directors to discuss mics for the show. Spring Show Update A GA email will be sent out within the next few weeks. The VP Studio will need to come up with a timeline for the event by next week. “Board Bonding” We will be painting the Swirnow Theatre floor after rehearsal on Saturday, 3/7. |
August 2017