FOA Update: Posters & looking for a Board Op
Mainstage Update: auditions happened today, audition sheets will go to Lien Oct 6 GA: We have Gilman 50 from 5pm to 7:30pm. Need the movie + food. Start advertising after auditions. Decide between Monologue Competition & Spring Shakespeare
Publicity with local businesses
Monologue Competition vs Spring Shakespeare
Pick deadlines for agenda times
Budget re-allocation
FOA Logistics
Ideas to market Barnstormers Theater to Hopkins
Picking a FOA *please notes that the following are comments that were said, not necessarily comments that all Board members agreed upon, or sole reasons why a FOA was picked or not picked* 1. The Philadelphia by David Ives
Sign up for Mailing List! Pick date/time for weekly board meetings: Sundays at 5:30pm or Tuesdays at 8:30pm.
New mailing list = “Barnstormers Members.” Send BCC. FOAs
First GA Meeting
SAC Fair
New ideas
Things we talked about in the past to keep up with for this upcoming year 1. Secretary
August 2017