FOA Update
Directors to send tech summary of one-acts to VP Studio Mainstage Update Discussed casting of show Build Workshops/Painting Board members to get trained and help with set-building/painting Next production-team meeting on Friday, September 26th. Upcoming Theatre Productions Board members to attend Witness Theater’s fall showcase.
FOA Update
Auditions were successful Mainstage Update Preparing for auditions Held 1st production meeting Budget Reworking Discussed how to work with SAC allotment Barnstormers History/Legacy Possibility of getting involved with “Hopkins Retrospective” Publicity/Merchandise Update Discussed possible merchandise items and prices Director Interviews
Successful – we have our Fall Mainstage director. FOA Update Audition location change FOA directors’ budgets set Studio show room reservation update Levering Market to be used for FOA pre-show get-together Mainstage Update Mainstage Auditions: Discussed possible locations Discussed questions to ask on audition sheet. Board members to run audition tables. Board Introductions
GA Member Introductions Announcements: Fall Mainstage Overview Auditions the week of Sept 15th VP Pro looking for an assistant producer Tech Exec sending out a tech email FOAs Overview Auditions September 12th 7-9pm, September 13th 5-7pm Performances October 10th, 11th, 12th (2 night shows & 1 matinee) Technical Director Vacancy Election to be held in the coming months General Questions To be a GA member, you need only audition for a show, apply to direct, or work on it in any capacity. You will be active for 1 calendar year from the date of your involvement. It is possible to be involved in FOAs & also be in the Fall Mainstage/be in another theatre group’s production. O-Showcase Wrap-Up
Well-received event Orientation photographer contacted. Discussed possible location change for next year FOA Update Auditions Sept 12th from 7-9pm & 13th from 5-7pm Studio/FOA Pre-Show Dinner Update Fun get-together between members of student-run theatre groups Taking place before FOA performances Reimbursement Information Mattin Center to possibly be more involved SAC Allotment Amount received is roughly the same as last year’s. Cage Clean-Out Swirnow shop cleaning will be an ongoing project. Director Interviews Discussed required demeanor and dress of board members. Fall Mainstage Script Ordering clean copy of Is He Dead? Script. Upcoming GA Meeting Friday, September 5th, 7:00pm Board Introductions & announcements |
August 2017