Board Meeting
9/30/15 President’s Day of Service Schedule was sent out FOAs Tech planned out Mainstage Updates Discussed set, Director, publicity, and proteam meetings.
Gilman 10 George Cleanup Date/Time set. East Baltimore Trip Date/Time set. Mainstage Updates Discussed set, weekly proteam meetings, and the plan for the actors. FOAs Discussed sets, rehearsal reports, tech week plans, front of house, budgeting, and publicity. 9/16/2015
Gilman 10 Mainstage Audition and Callback times finalized with the director. Email to be sent out to the GA. Emails Discussed the issues going on with the email account and some members not receiving the emails. Secretary to review and troubleshoot. FOA Updates Discussed how auditions went and established the beginning of rehearsal resports. Budget Discussed the amounts allotted for FOAs, advertising, and the Mainstage. PDOS Final email to the GA to be sent out with information. I Show Dates Possible move to accommodate rushing sororities. Scheduling the next GA The board to revisit later after FOAs. 9/11/15
Hodson 311 President’s DOS Email to be sent out to GA for sign ups. Social Media Possible contest for tickets to the shows, apparel, etc. DBH Co-sponsoring Discussed the possibility of co-sponsoring Hairspray. Apparel Decided to bring back the t-shirts. Mainstage The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie. Discussed different ways to get involved. Monthly GAs? Solid yes from group, Board to discuss further. 9/2/15
Gilman 217 SIF Student Involvement Fair Setup and schedule planned and finalized. GA Meeting Planned to discuss the Mainstage. Co-Sponsoring The Hop’s Cinderella on 12/4 at 7 pm and possibly DBH’s Hairspray O-Show Possible move of location for next year, also name change to Theatre O-Show. FOAs Auditions finalized and publicity for them was discussed. Mainstage Audition dates picked out. Social Media Challenge/Contests Discussed to advertise for a show or to keep the GA involved during the off-season. President’s Day of Service To be brought up at the next GA. |
August 2017