by Serena, Delta Nu and UCLA cheer captain (played by Mei Adams) Hey there, Serena here! Some people have been asking me lately how I stay so positive AND be a good a leader. Let me tell you a secret, it’s not because I’m a cheerleader or because I’m second in command of Delta Nu… it’s CONFIDENCE! When you exude confidence you automatically command the room! It’s not about being an attention whore, it’s about commanding and demanding that people take notice of everything you do. Some people may call you a bitch for it, but own it! What some people see as bitchy, I see as large and in charge! Anyway, so I figured, why not spread the wealth? Everyone deserves to feel their best, and confidence is a big part of who you are (and as we all know, being yourself never goes out of style!) so I’ve compiled some tips to help you out. Know what you want, then do exactly what you need to do to get it! Don’t let other people dictate what you’re capable of. You’re so much better than the limitations people put on you. Choose something that you know will make you happy every day, for example, a signature color! Exercise! It makes you feel good about yourself and gives you endorphins! Remember that your friends always have your back, ask them for help if you’re feeling down. Be your own cheerleader. Sometimes you just need to remind yourself of how awesome you are! Know your strengths. Get a chip on your shoulder! Prove everyone who doesn’t believe in you wrong!
Eventually if you tell yourself something often enough, you start to believe it’s true! So think like a Delta Nu, follow these tips and watch your confidence soar through the roof!
by Paulette Bonafonte (played by Alana DiSabatino)
Step 1: Avoid speaking to him If you really wanna show this guy that you’re into him, just freeze up like a glass of water in Antarctica every single time you see him. And when he speaks to you, just don’t respond. I’m tellin ya, it works. Step 2: Take his things What better reason could he have to come back and talk to you (or, I guess at you, since you clearly will not respond: refer to step one) than your having something of his? Be it his stylus, his mislabeled package, or what have you…he’ll need to return for it. And you’ll be there. Silent. Step 3: Steal his heart in a snap Whatever maneuver you choose to use, just be sure to flaunt what you’ve got. I was hesitant with this one at first, but it definitely works. I personally prefer the bend and snap (shout out to my friend Elle and her imaginary friends for teaching me that one!), but feel free to use whatever combination floats your boat. You can do the ‘squat and stop’ or the “twist and hiss” or, if it’s really getting hot in there, the “stop, drop and roll.” Whatever you choose, just be sure to really go for it. Step 4: Break him Nothing says “hi I love you” like physically injuring a person. Just think about it. It sets ya up to have so much one on one time with him at the hospital…well…one on one with him and all the doctors, nurses, and other broken people there…but still, how romantic is that? Step 5: Learn his name It’s about time ya talked to him. Step 6: Fall in love You knew this was coming. The moment is here. Congratulations, you did it. Step 7: Always be yourself Because if I’ve learned anything over the years (and from Elle), it’s that this step never goes out of style. Upcoming Events: MEET THE SISTERS EVENT BAKE SALE! BREEZEWAY! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 FROM 10:45AM-2:00PM Come support the Delta Nu sorority and buy one (or twenty) of our tasty pink desserts. Cupcakes and cookies galore! Side Note: We still need volunteers to embrace their inner pastry chefs, so if you love to bake, it’s your time to shine. Get in touch with John Del Toro for More info! Welcoming New Delta Nus Whew, Formal Recruitment is finally over, and now everyone can relax on the quad with a strawberry daiquiri in hand. Now it’s time to welcome the newest members of Delta Nu family! Our Annual Non-Denominational Spring Celebration will be held halfway between Easter and Passover. Date TBA. Reminders Letter day has been moved from Thursdays to everyday. Show that Delta Nu Pride and wear pink! When doing the Delta Nu hand sign, remember that your right hand is the one that swivels down. Sister Spotlight YOU! Look in a mirror and tell yourself encouraging words because you’re beautiful and talented. ![]() Pink Thing of the Week Lake Hillier in Australia! This naturally pink lake really shows off its Delta Nu spirit! How did this bright lake come to be? It wasn’t always like this, but thanks to intense sunlight and rising salinity levels, a green alga, Dunaliella salina that lives in the salt crusts on the bottom of the lake, produces a red pigment known as beta carotene (like the stuff in carrots!). And voila: A True Pink Lake in Delta Nu fashion! A Short Delta Nu Poem There once was a girl named Elle Who was stuck under some boy’s spell Til she followed him to Harvard, Where her brain became sharper and came out on top just as well. (written by Monika Borkovic) (Aka: things that you need to dig out of your closet and makeup bag, like, asap.) 1.Tattoo choker necklaces There is a special place in middle-school me’s heart for these babies. And how appropriate is it that AHS Coven alum Emma Roberts is serving up serious Sabrina the teenage witch vibes? 2. Frosted lips Now this is a trend that I’m surprised ever left. With idols like Kate Moss and Taraji B. Henson pulling this look off with such effortless ease, I suddenly feel the need to up the ante on my lip game. 3. Lip liner You’re lying if you say you never attempted to recreate Kylie’s perfectly overdrawn pout. But she wasn’t the first to use lip liner like this, as shown by the fabulous Pamela Anderson. 4. Halter tops Time to get serious, the resurgence of these tops was the highlight of our collective spring break. 5. Tracksuits Ohmigod you guys, remember this? No more fashion crisis. (Plus, seeing Nicki and Paris side by side rocking red is a pairing I never knew I needed.) Move aside leggings and Ugg boots! This oldie but goodie is bringing matching loungewear back into our vocabulary. Elle must be proud. 6. Crop tops I don’t know about all of you, but I sure as heck want to be in the same category as Gwen and Miley and join this crop-top wave. 7. Name necklaces If Carrie Bradshaw and Rihanna can do it, you better count on me digging into my jewelry box and pulling out my old name necklace.
I hope to see you girls rocking these old-new trends when you come on by the Delta Nu house! (written by Elizabeth Winkelhoff) Do you ever feel like you spend too much money getting your sorority letters manufactured from some company? That money could be spent on hair, makeup, or even food! So why go through all of that trouble to buy them when you could just make them yourself? Just add tape to the areas you want to keep plain, your favorite shade of pink paint, and if you're feeling glamorous, some glitter, and before you know it, you'll have the best sorority letters out there, just like the girls of Delta Nu have! (written by Lawrence Langan)
Snaps!! It’s almost the big day!!! We’re preparing for Callaghan’s big internship case. (And by “we,” I mean Warner, Vivienne, and me! ME! I invited myself along! This is so exciting!) Warner and Vivienne – who hereafter will be known by “Viv” – are hard at work, doing some preliminary research on Brooke Wyndham and her fitness empire. As you can see, Warner is taking particular interest in how to achieve Brooke’s “nutcracker butt.” (In the words of Emmett’s mother.) What would study-time be without caffeine? Viv and I decide to make a quick trip to the nearby coffee-shop, and along the way I continue my fight to bring Viv to the Light Side – whoever said plum is the new pink is seriously disturbed! Viv and I try to decide what to get. I go straight for the espresso – IT GIVES ME ENERGY!!! – but Viv is feeling a bit peckish. She goes for an oh-so-scrumptious goat cheese sandwich, and I start rethinking my moratorium on bread. Sidenote: look how cute we are!!!! And now we wait. Success!! Viv & I reunite with Warner, and the case prep resumes. Seen here: Warner keeps working on that same paper (I didn’t follow him to Harvard for his intelligence), and Viv takes notes on the effects of endorphins resulting from exercise (spoiler: they’re all great!!). Warner finally let go of the paper (he’s such a bonehead!), and I get a chance to read up on Brooke. I’m so so so so SO excited to work with a fellow Delta Nu, you have no idea. Her perseverance and insanely amazing commitment to fitness constantly inspire me – and it doesn’t hurt that her DVDs got me in shape to be June in the “Girls of UCLA” calendar, either!! I know my chapter of DN got so sick of me saying this, but sisterhood really is forever. No matter what, I am completely convinced of Brooke’s innocence! Now all I have to do is convince the rest of the team . . . But I can do it! I am nothing if not 1.) Positive; and 2.) Persistent. Yeah! At the end of the day, prepping for my first case was a wonderful experience, made even more fabulous because I got to spend it with Viv. We kicked butt at research, and are going to rock this case. I Double Delta Nu Sister Swear it! And who knows? Maybe Viv and I will be growing our own friendship garden super soon. ;)
(written by Elizabeth Sylvester)
(written and created by Esther Kim)
Hi Sisters!! Odds are if you’re already sporting our classic pink shade and flawless letters, then your hair and clothes are probably perfection. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that some of the ladies living in our hallowed Delta Nu halls are NOT taking care of their nails! Girls, HOW can we expect our Greek brothers to respect and revere us if we’ve got nail beds that look like shag carpeting?? This is unacceptable, and I’ve taken it upon myself to educate all sisters on proper cuticle care. 1. Cuticle oil O.M.G you guys, I swear this stuff is like magic potion. Simply apply a few drops of oil to your nails and let it soak in. It’ll totally soften up your cuticles and nobody will be able to tell you were scraping your hands against the walls at the frat houses all night!! 2. Push 'em back Once you’ve softened them all up, it’s time to push that pesky skin back. Don’t even think about cutting your cuticles, ladies! Are we barbarians? Are we clueless seventh grade girls? Are we members of a low-tier sorority?? No! As all classy women do, invest in a cuticle pusher and gently ease your cuticles off your nails. 3. Moisturize! With all THAT hard work out of the way, reward yourself with a little TLC and moisturize your hands. Seriously, moisturize. No boy wants to date a girl with rough man-hands, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Delta Nu earn that reputation. I’m LOOKING at you, Debbie. I’m looking at you and your sandpaper gorilla hands. The last guy you hooked up with said you felt like a trucker when he closed his eyes. Get a grip, Debbie, you’re embarrassing your sisters. 4. Polish YAY! Snaps for you, Delta Nu sis! You made it! For the final step, be sure to put on a fresh coat of beautiful pink polish. This will complete the look and make you appear to ALWAYS have your life together, even when you’re walking back to the house at 7am on a Sunday in 6-inch heels! SNAPS!!
(written by Octavia Fitzmaurice) Let’s be honest, Spring Break is pretty much the only reason we all drag ourselves back to school after Winter Break. The sun, sand, and parties make the second semester worth it. So here are some tips to help you get ready for and survive what will be the most anticipated week of the year! 1. Get whipped into shape You wanna be able to rock that bikini body on the beach, so I recommend jump roping for the ultimate way to break a sweat. Remember, it is never too late to start. And when you do need that Milky Way as a pick me up, make sure it is fun-sized. 2. Spend some time improving what’s inside your head The last thing you want is to be left without a place to go, so make sure you have a plan. You and all of your girls need to be on the same page for the optimal good time to be had. 3. You do you Don’t go getting a T.T.P. (Total Tragic Perm) right before spring break to try to be someone you are not. Work with what you got because being yourself never goes out of style. 4. Stay classy Everyone should have fun on spring break, but don’t totally lose it. The last thing you want is your sisters bringing up that one night in Cabo once you get back home. 5. Keep those boys close and your sisters closer Everyone should have fun on spring break, but don’t totally lose it. The last thing you want is your sisters bringing up that one night in Cabo once you get back home. 6. Keep those boys close and your sisters closer Self-explanatory.
(written by Tina Jones) by Warner Huntington III When it comes to Spring Break, no expense should be spared. It’s a time for girls, beer, beaches, and did I mention girls? If you want to have a bitchin’ good time on your next spring break, then you better drop what you’re doing and read what I have to say because I am the Spring Break Master. Don’t worry, you’ll have time to thank me later. 5. Cancun, Mexico Widely regarded as the Spring Break destination of choice by many, it is a little low class for my tastes, but I had to sneak in as a high schooler to get a feel for what goes on there before setting out on my college reign of Spring Break supremacy. I did enjoy the parties, and the music selection there is on point! There are many clubs available for different tastes, so naturally I stuck to the best and the greatest ones, which all hit my expectations. This place is consistently packed with arm candy so if that is your definition of a spring break, have a blast! 4. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico If parties and nighttime ragers are what you desire, look no further than Cabo for your Spring Break destination! Stay at the ME by Melia Hotel in the Oceanfront King Suite if you want to experience the luxuries normally reserved for television stars. From there, I suggest renting out your own personal yacht and taking a bunch of your best buds deep sea diving or snorkeling, whatever you feel like, because, hey, you are the king of the beach. Once the party and the alcohol start flowing, the rest will be history - historically epic if you catch my drift. The only problem is remembering what went on the night before. 3. South Padre Island, TX Want to be featured on MTV or E!? If that is what you are gunning for in life (heck, I’ve been featured on both channels more times than I can count), then travel on down to the southern tip of Texas for this epic party location. This place is hot, hot, hot, and I’m not just talking about the temperatures! The Coca-Cola Beach is well known for its constant sand volleyball contests and nightly Hawaiian Bikini contests. You can only imagine what it is like, and I can ensure you that it is even better than your wildest dreams. 2. South Beach Miami, FL Do you want to find yourself chilling with celebrities day and night? Treat yourself to the best trip money can buy by checking into a penthouse suite at the Setai Hotel (my personal favorite - it is only given out to exclusive customers) and then hitting the beach. The alcohol is prevalent and flowing, so make sure you hit up all the VIP clubs if you want to mingle with the best of them. The only thing hotter than the temperatures here are the girls, and there are miles of them. Take your pick, or two, or three, and you won’t be disappointed! Even coming back here outside of spring break, you are still guaranteed to spot a celeb to schmooze with, maybe you’ll make partner just from your good looks alone! 1. Nassau, Bahamas Ever dreamed of renting out an entire island for Spring Break? I wanted to really stake my claim as the Spring Fling King freshman year at UCLA, so I figured I’d drop a little pocket change and invite the entire UC panhellenic system to the Bahamas. All expenses paid by me of course. The result? One week of pure and utter amazement at Blue Lagoon Island. The white beaches were almost as amazing as the selection of alcohol that my parents bought for us, legally, of course! You should have seen how many shots one of the Delta Nu girls put away! If you want to be the go-to person for any and all party experiences, I suggest renting an island, it worked for me! By and far the greatest spring break I have ever had.
(written by Greg Konar) |
AuthorThe cast and crew of Legally Blonde get in touch with sorority girls and Harvard students. Archives
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